The new national standard gives different tolerance values ​​for different moduli and different index circle diameters. Within a certain modulo range, as the diameter of the index circle increases, the tolerance value also increases; Within a certain range of the circle, as the modulus increases, the tolerance value also increases. At the same time, the new national standard has a certain degree of relaxation for the tooth profile deviation that is difficult to implement in the old national standard, and the tolerance value for the cumulative total deviation of the pitch has been tightened.
The cumulative total deviation of the pitch and the single pitch deviation are tightened. In the new national standard, the limit deviation of the single pitch deviation is 14mm-17mm, while the old national standard is 20mm, and the total tolerance of the total pitch is 42mm. -53mm, while the old national standard is 50mm-63mm. According to the deviation analysis, the source of the above two deviations is mainly caused by the error of the machine tool equipment itself. According to the rapid development of China's machine tool industry, for our motorcycle gear industry, It is relatively easy to meet the national standard requirements.
There is no tolerance group in the new national standard. In the old national standard, there are three tolerance groups in the inspection project. Each tolerance group has multiple combinations. However, there is no tolerance group in the new national standard, but several test items are specified. The establishment of these testing items requires us to rely on the testing instruments to speak when testing a single gear, to eliminate the phenomenon of good or bad gear quality by experience, and to comment on the quality of gears by the concept of quantity, which is An improvement in the new standard.
Through the above analysis, it can be seen that the new national standard solves the error items that are difficult to control in the old national standard for the modulo segment of the motorcycle gear, and at the same time tightens some deviation items according to the development of modern production technology equipment. Tolerances make the standard more scientific, ensuring the use requirements and keeping the gears economically accurate. And because the new national standard is equivalent to the adoption of the national standard, it is equivalent to giving us a passport to the international market, which is conducive to our gears entering the international market. However, as mentioned above, international standards are not the most advanced standards. To enter the markets of developed countries, it is not enough to rely solely on the requirements of international standards. Buyers are likely to require non-required items in the new national standard, such as the new national standard. While giving the total deviation of the tooth profile, the tooth profile deviation and the tooth profile tilt deviation are also given. While the total helical tolerance is given, the spiral shape deviation and the spiral inclination deviation are also given. Therefore, while actively adopting the new national standard, we must make great efforts to improve the overall manufacturing level to further enhance market competitiveness.
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