In recent years, Wuhan Marine Machinery has taken marine engineering equipment as the key direction for restructuring, transformation and upgrading, strengthening independent innovation and market development, and gradually developed into an important section of the company's non-ship industry, including special deck machinery, offshore lifting equipment, The multi-variety, serialized and integrated marine engineering equipment industry pattern including propulsion and dynamic positioning system, liquid cargo handling system and platform lifting device has successfully provided modular support and system integration services for major domestic and foreign mainstream customers. It has gradually developed into a pioneer in the modularization and system integration of China's offshore engineering equipment.
The 3200T hydraulic bolt lifting system signed by the company is independently developed by Wuhan Ship Machinery. It is distributed on the platform's 4 pile legs. The rated lift capacity of the single pile is 3,200 tons and the storm support load is 6,000 tons. It is the largest lifting capacity in China. Hydraulic plug type lifting device.
An electric bicycle, also known as an E-Bike or booster bike, is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor which can be used for propulsion. There are a great variety of e-bikes available worldwide, from e-bikes that only have a small motor to assist the rider's pedal-power (i.e., pedelecs) to somewhat more powerful e-bikes which tend closer to moped-style functionality: all, however, retain the ability to be pedalled by the rider and are therefore not electric motor cycles. E-bikes use rechargeable batteries and the lighter varieties can travel up to 25 to 32 km/h (16 to 20 mph), depending on the laws of the country in which they are sold, while the more high-powered varieties can often do in excess of 45 km/h (28 mph). In some markets, such as Germany, they are gaining in popularity and taking some market share away from conventional bicycles, while in others, such as China, they are replacing fossil fuel-powered mopeds and small motorcycles.
Folding E Bike, Foldable E Bike, Folding E-Bike
Hangzhou Datasports Equipment Co.,Ltd(Oembicycle) ,