Corn plastic has attracted wide attention due to its dual effects in energy and environmental protection. The birth of one-step technology has changed the fate of corn plastics that cannot be universally used because of the high cost, and this will directly threaten the market position of the chemical plastics industry. The corn plastics application industry is mainly in the packaging industry, plastics industry, agricultural plastic film and other areas, and these industries are an important part of the plastics industry. Whether corn plastics eventually replaces chemical plastics or coexists with them, it will not be a small blow to the chemical industry.
At the second Northeast Asia Expo held in Changchun City, Jilin Province, a technology developed from Shanghai Tongji University that uses corn as raw material to produce plastics, which has attracted extensive attention due to its dual effects in energy and environmental protection.
Corn plastic does not pollute the environment. This polylactic acid, commonly known as corn plastic, can be decomposed by microorganisms in the natural world, eventually becoming carbon dioxide and water, not polluting the environment. It can also be used as organic nutrients and applied to farmland as a nutrient for plants. It is considered as white pollution. Terminator.
At present, most of the transparent, low-cost film plastic bags that are widely used in the market are PVC (polyvinyl chloride) materials that melt when exposed to heat and release toxic and hazardous substances. The scientific research results show that the chances of modern women suffering from breast cancer are getting higher and higher. One of the reasons is that more and more ingredients such as plasticizers are used to access the belly of women, which causes endocrine disorders such as hormones. Moreover, traditional plastics use petroleum-based raw materials, which not only consume resources, but also cannot be degraded, becoming a threat to environmental protection.
Corn plastics use corn and straw as raw materials to obtain lactic acid through microbial fermentation. After the lactic acid undergoes polymerization reaction, a biodegradable polymer material, polylactic acid, is obtained. After corn is buried in soil for three months, six months or one year, it will naturally degrade into carbon dioxide and water. In addition, it also has the advantages of wear resistance, air permeability, etc., which can completely replace chemical plastics, and is regarded as the fourth new material after metal materials, inorganic materials and polymer materials.
The price is close to chemical plastics. At present, only one company in the United States can produce polylactic acid on a large scale. The price is about 3,000 US dollars per ton. In China, such high prices are unacceptable to the market. After 8 years of research and 1 year of industrialization amplification, the researchers obtained polylactic acid in one step and obtained the ideal production cost. One-step synthesis of lactic acid into polylactic acid particles, the production cost is greatly reduced, the ex-factory price is about one ton in million yuan, close to the price of chemical plastic particles, thus, corn plastic has the conditions for promotion and application and industrialization.
Chemical plastics will be fully replaced by industry experts predicting that corn plastics will fully replace chemical plastics within five years, coupled with the biodegradable and environmentally friendly characteristics of corn plastics, and the indicators of technical processes, product characteristics, etc. in the currently applied fields have reached The level of chemical plastics.
At present, an embryonic form of the corn plastics industry with independent intellectual property rights has been formed in Shanghai. This year will form a production scale of 100 tons of corn plastics. Next year, it will form a production line of over 10,000 tons.
The birth of one-step technology has changed the fate of corn plastics that cannot be universally used because of the high cost, and this will directly threaten the market position of the chemical plastics industry. The corn plastics application industry is mainly in the packaging industry, plastics industry, agricultural plastic film and other areas, and these industries are an important part of the plastics industry.
From a cost perspective, the price of oil continues to rise, while the price of corn has been stable. From an energy perspective, oil is a non-renewable resource, and corn is a renewable resource. From a market perspective, although corn plastics are still in a small-scale promotion stage, investments in the corn plastics industry are all powerful multinational companies, and their influence and economic strength are unquestionable. Corn plastics will become the fastest growth point in the plastics industry. Regardless of the point of view, corn plastics have replaced the capital of chemical plastics.
On the other hand, regardless of whether corn plastics eventually replace chemical plastics or coexist with them, it is not a small blow to the chemical industry. UnionPay believes that with the continuous development of corn plastics in the packaging industry and the continuous improvement of the downstream industrial chain, corn plastic will inevitably find a living space in the market and endanger the chemical plastics industry. Therefore, banks must strictly control the credit of the chemical plastics industry. , and pay close attention to the development trend of the industry, it is expected that the industry short-term credit will not be affected by too much, but the risk of medium and long-term loans is relatively large, it is recommended moderate contraction.
At the second Northeast Asia Expo held in Changchun City, Jilin Province, a technology developed from Shanghai Tongji University that uses corn as raw material to produce plastics, which has attracted extensive attention due to its dual effects in energy and environmental protection.
Corn plastic does not pollute the environment. This polylactic acid, commonly known as corn plastic, can be decomposed by microorganisms in the natural world, eventually becoming carbon dioxide and water, not polluting the environment. It can also be used as organic nutrients and applied to farmland as a nutrient for plants. It is considered as white pollution. Terminator.
At present, most of the transparent, low-cost film plastic bags that are widely used in the market are PVC (polyvinyl chloride) materials that melt when exposed to heat and release toxic and hazardous substances. The scientific research results show that the chances of modern women suffering from breast cancer are getting higher and higher. One of the reasons is that more and more ingredients such as plasticizers are used to access the belly of women, which causes endocrine disorders such as hormones. Moreover, traditional plastics use petroleum-based raw materials, which not only consume resources, but also cannot be degraded, becoming a threat to environmental protection.
Corn plastics use corn and straw as raw materials to obtain lactic acid through microbial fermentation. After the lactic acid undergoes polymerization reaction, a biodegradable polymer material, polylactic acid, is obtained. After corn is buried in soil for three months, six months or one year, it will naturally degrade into carbon dioxide and water. In addition, it also has the advantages of wear resistance, air permeability, etc., which can completely replace chemical plastics, and is regarded as the fourth new material after metal materials, inorganic materials and polymer materials.
The price is close to chemical plastics. At present, only one company in the United States can produce polylactic acid on a large scale. The price is about 3,000 US dollars per ton. In China, such high prices are unacceptable to the market. After 8 years of research and 1 year of industrialization amplification, the researchers obtained polylactic acid in one step and obtained the ideal production cost. One-step synthesis of lactic acid into polylactic acid particles, the production cost is greatly reduced, the ex-factory price is about one ton in million yuan, close to the price of chemical plastic particles, thus, corn plastic has the conditions for promotion and application and industrialization.
Chemical plastics will be fully replaced by industry experts predicting that corn plastics will fully replace chemical plastics within five years, coupled with the biodegradable and environmentally friendly characteristics of corn plastics, and the indicators of technical processes, product characteristics, etc. in the currently applied fields have reached The level of chemical plastics.
At present, an embryonic form of the corn plastics industry with independent intellectual property rights has been formed in Shanghai. This year will form a production scale of 100 tons of corn plastics. Next year, it will form a production line of over 10,000 tons.
The birth of one-step technology has changed the fate of corn plastics that cannot be universally used because of the high cost, and this will directly threaten the market position of the chemical plastics industry. The corn plastics application industry is mainly in the packaging industry, plastics industry, agricultural plastic film and other areas, and these industries are an important part of the plastics industry.
From a cost perspective, the price of oil continues to rise, while the price of corn has been stable. From an energy perspective, oil is a non-renewable resource, and corn is a renewable resource. From a market perspective, although corn plastics are still in a small-scale promotion stage, investments in the corn plastics industry are all powerful multinational companies, and their influence and economic strength are unquestionable. Corn plastics will become the fastest growth point in the plastics industry. Regardless of the point of view, corn plastics have replaced the capital of chemical plastics.
On the other hand, regardless of whether corn plastics eventually replace chemical plastics or coexist with them, it is not a small blow to the chemical industry. UnionPay believes that with the continuous development of corn plastics in the packaging industry and the continuous improvement of the downstream industrial chain, corn plastic will inevitably find a living space in the market and endanger the chemical plastics industry. Therefore, banks must strictly control the credit of the chemical plastics industry. , and pay close attention to the development trend of the industry, it is expected that the industry short-term credit will not be affected by too much, but the risk of medium and long-term loans is relatively large, it is recommended moderate contraction.
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