The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50035010) is a cross-rolling process. From the geometrical point of view, the surface of the rolled piece and the surface of the milk roll are a pair of conjugate curved surfaces. Therefore, many experts apply the conjugate surface theory to carry out a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and research on the roll-shaped surface theory of the oblique milk technique, and give a mathematical description of the ideal roll-shaped surface, but to produce such an ideal roll-shaped surface. A CNC lathe or grinder that requires 5-axis linkage (7-axis, y-axis, z-axis, c-axis, blade plane, or disc grinding wheel shaft). Applying the principle of conjugate surface, the mathematical model of the ideal roll-shaped surface of the tapered ball parts is obtained, and it is pointed out that to make such an ideal roll-shaped surface, a CNC lathe with 4 axes is required (the axis, the Z axis, the C axis, Blade plane swing). Obviously, this is very difficult with current mold manufacturing levels.
This paper will discuss the analysis of the CNC turning technology of the rolling ball parts, and analyze the theoretical error of the CNC turning machining with 3-axis linkage control.
1 Roller surface processing 1.1 Roll top surface equation The ideal roll top surface is a single-leaf hyperbolic surface. According to the spatial geometry knowledge, the equation is: the angle between the line and the axis, and the axis of the inclined roll. The angle with the axis of the rolling element.
1.2 The processing equation of the roll hole surface is solved by setting a coordinate system in space. When the CNC is turning, the shape of the blade is curved. The equation is: when the lathe rotates (ie, 2 axes rotate), the turning edge curve I moves along the z axis. That is, a variable lead spiral surface is processed on the roll: when the sample forming blade edge curve 1 is a circle, a variable lead round spiral surface is processed on the roll.
When the starting position is set, the center of Z is at (foot, 0), the intersection of the plane where the Z is located and the plane is parallel to the x-axis, and the angle between the two planes is A. The curve equation of the turning edge is: Compared with the ideal roll-shaped surface equation obtained by the principle of the network, when (Ka) = 2, the formula (6) is the ideal cavity surface equation of the inclined rolling ball roll. This requires that the plane of the cutting edge and the normal of the spiral surface be controlled at any time, that is, the 4-axis linkage control is required to process the ideal hole-shaped surface.
In actual production neutralization, X) is not a continuous function, which can be expressed as: For the machining error analysis, the equation (8) is transformed into a coordinate to determine the bus equation of the hole surface in the axial plane.
Rotate the coordinate system around the z-axis by an angle to obtain a new coordinate system oxy. The equation of equation (8) in the new coordinate system is the bus equation in the axial plane of the hole-shaped surface: cl. Beijing: Beijing Science and Technology University, 1991, 5 Wang Baoyu, Liu Jinping. Roller type surface of roll ball parts. See: The 7th National Forging Society Annual Meeting, Xiamen, 1999.11
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