Asia Vinyl Acetate: The Chinese market is stable, the difference between buyers and sellers in Southeast Asia has increased slightly, Chinese buyers are below US$960/ton CFR, and sellers are not below US$970 CFR. The buyer sought delivery of goods at the beginning of February before the lunar calendar. Southeast Asian market prices hovered at $1,000/ton CFR. A trader said that the Chinese market will rise in the coming weeks, raw material prices will be firm, and demand for downstream polyvinyl alcohol will increase.
US vinyl acetate: domestic VAM demand is stable, and the price is flat at 57-60 cents/pound at the end of December. In the first two weeks of 2007, crude oil fell by 15%. The February contract price closed at 51,88 US dollars/barrel on Thursday, casting a shadow on the chemical product market. However, the decline in VAM raw materials did not entirely account for the lower VAM. January ethylene spot price fell to 30S cents/pound, FD US Gulf, while December contract price was 41.5 cents/pound FD US Gulf. January ethylene contract price has not been entered into.
Domestic/Foreign Manufacturers Dynamics: Chuanwei Ethylene Vinyl Acetate is stable in southern China and is now at RMB 9,500/ton; Hunan Xiangwei Vinyl Acetate's external quotation is stable and is currently quoting around RMB 9550/ton, which mainly produces polyvinyl alcohol. Not much; Sinopec Sales Company Shanghai Branch Shanghai Petrochemical Ethylene Vinyl Ex-works prices are stable, now at 9,800 yuan/ton, and sales are normal.
East China: The market price of vinyl acetate in the East China market rose slightly, and the current mainstream cans price was between RMB 9900-10000/ton. This price was quoted by domestic traders and the quotation of import traders was around RMB 9900/ton. The overall market sales were generally .
South China: Vinyl acetate prices in the South China market are stable, with market makers quoting around 9,700 yuan/ton, and manufacturers quoting 9,500 yuan/ton for cans.
North China: The price of vinyl acetate in the northern part of Beijing increased slightly. The current market price for cans is around RMB 9,800/ton. Market sales are generally stable. Traders’ attitudes are relatively stable and their supply is limited. Shandong area: Quotation for vinyl acetate tanks in Zibo, Shandong Province is stable, now quotations are 9700-9800 yuan/ton, contract prices are slightly lower, market sales are general, downstream demand is stable, and contract users are mostly in Northeast China: Northeast China vinyl acetate cans offer stable price The current quotation is about 9,600 yuan/ton, and the manufacturers have slightly lower cans prices and the market sales are generally low.
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