Accumulated temperature as a calorie index, because of its simple calculation, widely applied in the agricultural industry and widely used by the plant, can generally use the accumulated temperature meter to measure. However, there are some deficiencies in the actual operation process. Like a crop, the accumulated temperature theory required for the completion of the same stage of development suggests that although factors affecting crop growth are manifold, crops (mainly primary and secondary crops) In terms of development, other factors are basically satisfied. Temperature plays a leading role.
It is assumed that the average development rate is linear with the sum of the lowest (lower) temperature of the crop during the developmental period, ie the plant begins to develop at a certain temperature. In order to complete its full growth period or a certain development period. A certain amount of accumulated temperature is required. The sum of daily average temperatures over a period of time is called accumulated temperature. Its unit is °C. d (degrees/day) or °C.
Accumulated temperature, in the same region, in different years, to different sowing dates. The accumulated temperature value is different. The stability of accumulated temperature is not ideal. The cause of the instability of accumulated temperature is multi-faceted, and the main reasons are:
1. Conditions affecting the growth and development of crops
The external environmental conditions that affect crop growth and development include not only meteorological factors but also other factors. In addition to temperature, weather conditions, illumination time, irradiance, etc. have a certain degree of influence on the fertility rate, the relationship between the growth rate of children and spoons, and the specific laws followed by each.
2. Accumulated temperature theory
The theory of accumulated temperature is based on the assumption that other factors are basically satisfied, and temperature plays a leading role in crop development. L, the assumption of the Bairan condition F1 is difficult to satisfy, and thus affects the stability of accumulated temperature. In addition. The relationship between growth rate and temperature is also not linear. It was proposed that a non-linear temperature pattern affecting the speed of crop development was thought to increase at a lower temperature, with the speed of development increasing with temperature. At the optimum temperature, the speed of development reached a maximum, when the temperature exceeded the optimum temperature, the temperature of the road height. It has a non-linear relationship to inhibit growth and development.
According to the specific situation, when the accumulative temperature is applied, it is sometimes necessary to make some corrections. When calculating the accumulated temperature value of rice, the temperature coefficient should be corrected.
3. Air temperature and leaf temperature
The body temperature of the plant is the same as the ambient temperature, and the body temperature actually affects the life activities of the plant. Many people think that it is better to use plants' temperature to express the thermal status of plants than to use ambient temperature. The temperature of each part of the plant is not the same, but the photosynthesis is mainly carried out in the leaves. In addition to the ambient temperature, the heat gain and loss and temperature changes in the plant are also its own factors such as radiation budget, heat conduction and transpiration. The result of heat exchange with the surrounding environment. And soil moisture, air turbulence and other effects on it, so the use of leaf temperature can better reflect the thermal status of plants. The application of leaf temperature is more objective when determining the temperature at the three basic points of the crop, the lethal temperature for injury, the cycle temperature change, the agricultural boundary temperature, and the accumulated temperature.
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