Of the 41 industrial categories, 30 industries saw a year-on-year increase in profits, 10 industries decreased year-on-year, and one industry continued to lose money. Profit growth of major industries: profits of oil and natural gas extraction industry increased by 0.5% year-on-year, agricultural and non-staple food processing industries increased by 16.6%, general equipment manufacturing industry increased by 1.6%, automobile manufacturing industry increased by 7.4%, and electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing increased by 6.1% , Computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing increased by 11.5%, electricity and heat production and supply increased by 62.9%, chemical materials and chemical manufacturing fell by 10.1%, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry decreased by 47.9%, oil processing, Coking and nuclear fuel processing industry losses increased 4.1 times year-on-year.
Electricity (Reporter Wang Zheng) “In 2013, the added value of industries above designated size increased by about 10%, which was equal to that of 2012; the energy consumption and water consumption per unit of industrial added value decreased by 5% and 7%, respectively, and the industrial export delivery value and corporate profits. Not lower than the 2012 level.†At the National Conference on Industry and Informatization held on the 27th, Minister of Industry and Information Miao Wei proposed the main expected targets for the development of industry and communications industry next year.
Miao Wei said that since the beginning of this year, the industrial and communications industries have actively responded to the increasing downward pressure and maintained steady growth. It is expected that the industrial added value of above-scale industries will increase by 10% year-on-year, slightly lower than the forecast of 11% at the beginning of the year, and the contribution of industry to economic growth will exceed 40%; the profit will remain unchanged from last year, and the tax revenue will increase by 8.5%; 6.9%; industrial employment reached 90.17 million. Total telecommunications services and main business income increased by 11.5% and 8.5%, respectively, while software and information technology services revenue increased by 26%.
Next year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will launch a "6+1" special action for the transformation and upgrading action plan, stabilizing growth, grasping innovation, adjusting structure, promoting convergence, and providing benefits, so as to achieve sustained and healthy development of the industrial communications industry.
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