The historical development of rainfall monitoring
According to the "Chinese precipitation data," it was recorded that the earliest record of rainfall was in the territory of Hebei province, which dates back to the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the sites where the country used modern science and technology to observe rainfall earlier. After the founding of New China, the hydrological work in China was on track, and both the hydrological station and rainfall station in Zhangjiakou had unprecedented development. At this time, the distribution of water stations around the country has gradually increased, and hydrology stations, rainfall stations, and positive developments have been established successively in all provinces and cities. At that time, the earliest diameter of 8 inches (20.32 cm) was used to measure the rainfall with a wooden rain gauge. Although the equipment is simple, more formal measurements and records have already begun.
Afterwards, during the period of the Republic of China, measurements of domestically produced rain gauges with a diameter of 20.32 cm or a gauge with a diameter of 20 cm were still used in many places. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 20.32-cm homemade rain gauge was gradually replaced by a 20-meter-caliber manual observation gauge and a self-reporting gauge. The latter became the best instrument for measuring rainfall. In the late 1950s, some stations used a self-reporting rain gauge with a diameter of 25.2 cm. Since 1955, a gauge measuring 20 centimeters with a windbreak has been used at the hydrological station and part of the entrusted rainfall station. The mouth is 2 meters above the ground, and a special measuring cup is used to measure rainfall. After the 1960s, a standard self-reporting rain gauge with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 1.2 m above ground was installed at the hydrological station. Afterwards, most of the commissioned rainfall stations also started installing the instrument. At the commissioning station where the rainfall recorder has not yet been used, a 20-cm manual observation gauge is used to observe the rainfall, and the distance between the device and the ground is 0.7 meters.
Then, in 2000, there was a place where new types of rainfall recorders were used. The rainfall recorder has achieved good results during the application period, and it has gradually spread to all parts of the country since 2003. Because the rain recorder can realize the real-time storage of data, the computer collects, converts, and regenerates the curve graph. AC-DC dual-use, you can get the field to collect data at any time measurement, but also can be placed for a long time to record the location. Can be set to the computer lock mode, this time automatically according to the computer set the interval time sampling, in order to ensure the authenticity and continuity of the data. Up to 60,000 data can be saved. The rainfall recorder became a very important step in the history of hydrological monitoring and represents the progress of this moisture monitoring. Since the publication of the Rainfall Recorder, it has been praised by various observation stations and research institutes, and it has also provided a very convenient way for rainfall monitoring.
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