The Application of Street Lamp Cable Fault Tester in the Location of Street Lamp Cable Faults
In recent years, cities and towns in China have implemented urban lighting projects, making our city's night sky colorful, but municipal construction and other road construction often cause damage to buried cables, and road hardening and greening make We are inconvenient to excavate a large area to find fault points. Therefore, the street lighting department urgently needs a simple, practical and portable fault testing instrument that can quickly determine the location of the fault point. Some street lighting departments have purchased cable fault testers manufactured by some domestic and foreign companies. However, the actual use of the cable fault testers is too poor and too complex. Workers do not use them, and they do not want to use them, thus making them idle for a long time. This is due to the defects of the instrument itself, summed up in the following points:
1. The cable meter consists of two parts, ranging and fixed point, suitable for fault point testing of a no-load cable. However, street light cables have joints, lamps, and starters every tens of meters, and often have bifurcations. The interference of these objective factors makes it impossible to complete distance measurement (distance between failure points) based on the analysis waveform (unless the cables are forked). It is obviously impractical to take off with insurance.
2. Waveform analysis is difficult. Due to on-site interference, the actual fault waveforms of the instrument response are often different from the standard waveforms in the laboratory and manuals. It is difficult for workers to accurately determine the waveforms without some experience.
3. After the fault point distance measurement is completed, when fault points are accurately determined, high-voltage surges must be applied to the faulty cable to force the fault point to discharge. A person puts on the cable above the cable and judges the fault point on the ground by resolving the size of the discharge sound. Environmental noise is too large, often people's ears can not distinguish between the discharge sound and noise.
4. The whole line insurance needs to be unlocked at the fixed point, otherwise tens of thousands of volts will damage the load such as lamps and lanterns.
5. Street lamps with low insulation requirements for cables, in other words, as long as the light can be normal, generally no one will consider the good and bad cable insulation, which is the road lamp with a cable burned more serious reasons. However, when the fixed point cable is added with 10,000 volts, the secondary fault point of the cable (without affecting the power supply) will be broken down, causing further damage to the cable, and the failure rate will be greatly increased, reducing the service life of the cable.
6. The set of instruments ranging from ranging to find the cable path, as well as fault fixed point, need to have a dozen auxiliary equipment and accessories such as voltage regulator, capacitor, high-voltage PT, ball gap, fixed-point instrument and so on. The total weight is about 50~60. Kilograms, need more than one person to operate, use too complicated. At the same time, it is necessary to add 10,000 volts of high voltage to the cable, which poses some danger
7. 220V AC power is required for use, which is often inconvenient at the site.
8. The instrument also has a principle lack of filling, such as: because the instrument itself has a blind test area, the fault point to the test end is less than 30 meters, it can not detect the fault point distance (and between the two lamp poles only up to 50 meters) .
To sum up, the instrument is only suitable for high-low voltage power cables for power companies, but not for street lighting cables. Because the street lamp cable has the following characteristics in use:
1. The path is clear, and generally no search path is required.
2. The cable has a connector at the lamp post so that the fault point can be easily determined between the two lamp posts. In fact, what the street lamp maintainer really needs is an instrument that can determine the faulty cable within a few tens of meters. There is no need to measure the distance of the fault point at all.
3. The street lamp cable has a low requirement for insulation. After a fault occurs, the fault features are very obvious. Based on experience, the approximate range of the fault point can be determined.
In summary, in the actual search for street lamp cable faults, it is a simple operation, convenient portability, no need for 220V power supply when used, low cost, and the ability to accurately locate fault points on faulty cables with a length of several tens of meters. Strong, tool-type instruments, in response to this demand, our company has independently developed a "street lamp cable fault tester", pushed into the market for two years, was widely recognized by the majority of street lamp management departments, reflecting that the instrument has the following characteristics:
1. Small size, light weight, easy operation by one person.
2. Battery-powered, no 220V power supply required.
3 cable path search, buried depth, fault location synchronization is completed, high efficiency.
4. The fault point is in front and behind, the pointer and LCD interface are double visual display, free from outside interference.
5. Not affected by cable underground conditions (such as bifurcation, binding, twisting of joints). Like mines, point-to-point to find fault points, the error is in centimeters.
6. It is not affected by the ground conditions, such as: floor tiles, asphalt pavement, cement surface, and pipe sections. It is an instrument that is completely used by the street lighting department.
7. It is not necessary to release the neutral line and load line in the lamp post when testing. It can be tested directly.
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