December 23, 1947 On the eve of Christmas, three scientists at the Bell Labs in New Jersey, USA, Dr. Shockley, Dr. Budinger, and Dr. Bouneton are well-organized experiments that amplify the sound signal with semiconductor crystals. They were surprised to find out that a fraction of the faint current passing through the device could actually control a much larger portion of the current, creating an amplification effect. At that time, people did not realize that this device is the epoch-making achievement in the history of science and technology - transistor. It is because of this "Christmas gift to the world," three scientists jointly won the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics.
What is this amazing invention? The transistor is known as the "three-legged magician", is a three-fulcrum semiconductor solid electronic components. Like gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals, they have good electrical conductivity, called conductors. Wood, glass, ceramics, mica and other difficult to conduct electricity, called insulation. Conductive properties between the conductor and insulator substances, such as silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc., called semiconductors. Transistor is made of semiconductor materials, the most common of these materials is germanium and silicon two. The volume of the transistor is only one tenth to one percent of the tube, the heat is very small, can be used to design small, complex and reliable circuit. After the birth of the transistor, it was widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense construction and people's daily life. In 1953, the first battery-based transistor radios put on the market and were warmly welcomed by people. Soon, pocket-sized "transistor radios", which do not require AC power, began to swell the world, sparking a new wave of consumer spending. Since then, mankind has entered a rapidly developing electronic age. The invention of the transistor also sounded the horn for the subsequent birth of the integrated circuit.
So how is the integrated circuit is born? Behind any inventions and drives are demand-driven, often driven by practical problems. The world's first electronic computer, born in 1942 in the United States, was a monolith of 150 square meters and weighing 30 tons. The circuit contained 17,468 tubes, 7,200 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and 500,000 lines , Power consumption up to 150 kilowatts. Obviously, the large area, unable to move is the most intuitive and prominent problem. One wonders how good it would be to integrate these components and wiring on a small piece of carrier. In 1958, Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments Incorporated proposed to use the same material for the design of transistors, resistors, capacitors and other components in the study of miniature components. In September of the same year, the world's first integrated circuit board was born in Texas Instruments Labs.
Speaking of integrated circuits, we have to mention Gordon Moore, one of Intel's founders. Gordon Moore discovered in 1965 that the cost of a core device transistor in an integrated circuit could be reduced by 50% every twelve months and the degree of integration could be increased by 100%. Transistor is equivalent to the switch in the integrated circuit, like the tap can play the role of water speed control, the transistor in the integrated circuit using its switch to complete computing, storage and other functions. Although the development cycle was later extended to 18 months, the pace of development is also very alarming.
The integrated circuit is a high technology that has promoted the development of many disciplines, including automation, equipment manufacturing, precision instruments, microfabrication and other industries. The GDP that a dollar of chips can drive is equivalent to 100 dollars, and the world's one-year chip output lifts the GDP, which is equivalent to the sum of the GDP of China and the United States. Moreover, the industry has very great information security in our country Important role. China's chip market accounted for 50.7% of the world, is the world's largest chip demand market, but less than 10% self-sufficiency rate. Since 2008, China's import of integrated circuits has occupied the largest part of the imported goods, even surpassing that of oil and grain.
At present, China's integrated circuit production technology is still relatively backward, facing enormous challenges. First of all, in order to reduce costs, we should try to create more transistors per unit area, reducing board area. Second, efforts to improve the operating speed of integrated circuits, which is related to the computing speed of the computers and mobile phones we use. Third, to ensure product performance and stability, to ensure adequate yield, to avoid leakage is too large, affecting mobile phones and other electronic equipment life time. Fourth, our emerging products to enter the market as soon as possible, so as to ensure that products have sufficient profit margins, to ensure adequate funding to continue to do the next generation of research and development.
Semiconductors, transistors and integrated circuit technologies, through miniaturization, automation, computerization and robotics, will radically change the way humans live. The secrets of microelectronics are waiting for generations of researchers to discover and continue to pursue.
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