Seed viability refers to the potential of seed germination or the vitality of an embryo. The necessity to determine seed viability is to quickly estimate the viability of seed samples, especially dormant seeds.
The purpose of the germination assay is to determine the maximum germination potential of the seed lot and to evaluate the quality of the seed lot. Seed germination power refers to the ability of seeds to germinate and grow into plants under suitable conditions. Seed germination power is the most important indicator of seed sowing quality. Expressed with germination potential and germination rate.
According to experiments, seed quality must have a good seed viability and seed germination rate, and their storage environment must have the ability to adapt to the needs of the seed storage of water, temperature, light, ventilation, but also must have the function of sterilization and solve the moldy phenomenon . In response to these requirements, the newly developed seed germination box can fully meet the seed storage environment and also has a very good intelligent control system.
The seed germination box adopts microcomputer automatic control, control board integration, touch switches can be arbitrarily set for each test section running time, temperature, humidity, light value. It can display the experiment period (days), running time, actual temperature and humidity values ​​(automatic humidification and dehumidification), setting temperature and humidity values, remaining time, and light level. And have cycle conversion function. With ultra-warm sensor abnormal protection, ensure the safety of instruments and samples; matching the full-spectrum plant growth lamp is conducive to plant growth and improve disease resistance. With power-down memory, power-off time automatic compensation function; power again after the blackout can continue the original working state.
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