Preparation and calibration of Mohr salt
A, ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution: C [Fe (NH 4) 2 · 6H 2 O] = 0.1mol / L, weighed 40g ferrous ammonium sulfate [Fe (NH 4) 2 · 6H 2 O], was dissolved In 1000 ml of 10% sulfuric acid solution, place in a brown bottle for use.
Second, the calibration imbibe 0.1mol / L ammonium ferrous sulfate solution, 10ml 3 ~ 4 parts, were placed in a 250ml conical flask, diluted with water to 60ml, add 1: 1 10ml of hydrochloric acid, 15% sulfuric acid 15ml and two phosphorus mixed aniline amine sulfonate 2 drops of indicator agent, a blue-violet solution was 0.0200mol / L potassium standard weight chromium solution was titrated to standard ferrous ammonium sulfate solution concentration is calculated.
3. Standard use solution of potassium dichromate: accurately remove 20 ml of stock solution of C(K 2 Cr 2 O 7 )=1.0000mol/L, dilute to the mark in a 1000ml volumetric flask, shake up, and the concentration of the solution is C. (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) = 0.0200 mol/L.
Note: Mohr salt ( ammonium ferrous sulfate)
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