In recent years, in large shopping malls or events, you will always see the "LED fan" figure, its appearance looks like a fan, it can display various patterns in rotation, and some can display dynamic 3D patterns, very cool Hyun, always seeing people, always let people stop to watch, play a very good role in promotion and promotion. So how does the Maipu Glitter LED fan display the pattern? Strictly speaking, this so-called "fan" is just a vivid name, in fact, it is a kind of "rotating LED light bar", its professional name is called holographic 3D intelligent screen. After power-on, the "fan blade" starts to rotate, and it can display a 3D image while rotating, which is cool and realistic. At the same time, according to the size and color of the pattern, the LED fan can hide its fan blade very well, because there is no border and no fixed screen, so the dynamic picture is like a volley floating, very realistic.
The 3D intelligent display screen not only utilizes the hardware of the rotating LED, but also utilizes the visual persistence phenomenon of the human eye. For the hardware configuration of the rotating LED, simply speaking, the changing frequency of the LED lamp is calculated according to the rotational speed of the "fan blade", and different LED lights are illuminated at different times, and different patterns are presented. The so-called persistence of vision means that when the human eye is observing the scene, the light signal is transmitted to the brain, and it takes a short period of time. After the end of the light, the visual image does not disappear immediately, and the human eye can continue to maintain it. The image is about 0.1 second to 0.4 seconds. This residual vision is called “post-imageâ€. The phenomenon of vision is called “visual persistenceâ€. 
Generally, one or more strings of LED lights are arranged on the fan blade, and it is assumed that there are 20, and the number is 1~20 from the axis to the edge of the blade. In order to explain the principle briefly, we assume that the visual persistence occurs in the human eye when the fan speed is 60 laps per minute (in real cases, the rpm is much higher). We assume that the Maipu brilliance LED light is 0 degrees directly above the fan at 0 seconds, so if you want to display the effect of 6:00 on the fan, the minute hand needs to point directly above, and the hour hand points directly below. It is necessary to display the minute hand 1~20 in 0 seconds, the hour hand in 1~10 in 0.5 seconds, and the minute hand in 1~20 in 1 second, 1.5 seconds. When the 1~10 is lit, the hour hand is displayed, and so on, so that the human eye will receive a complete 6:00 hour clock image. For complex patterns, Maipu's brilliance LED fans will have more complex structures and programming. Through the combination of the rotation of the LED strip and the persistence of vision, the rotating LED fan that people see will have a dynamic 3D picture.
At present, the main application of 3D smart screen is advertising. Due to its editability and realistic display, it is believed that it will be applied in more fields in the near future.
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