It is the heat wave tumbling season, good news came from Southern Oil City. As of August 3, Lawrence Pump of Maoming Petrochemical High-density Plant has been running for 1281 consecutive long-term cycles, creating the best level in the world for the same kind of equipment at home and abroad. At present, the unit is still in stable operation.
"Due to a defect in Lawrence pump design, the internal bearing of the mechanical seal is poorly lubricated and seriously affects the service life of the mechanical seal and the bearing . Therefore, the machine was stopped and replaced four times during the initial period of one year after the equipment was started. Constraints on the long-term operation of the device bottlenecks. "Recall the original scene, full-density chemical division director Liang Ge memories.
In the face of this "hard bones," Liang Ge said: "No matter how hard it is, we should chew it down!" The determination has led to a survey by full density shop technicians. Through several maintenance out of the replacement of the machine carefully analyze, compare, read foreign information, check the machine seal closer inspection and found that one of the reasons is the original design of the Lawrence pump defects, that is, the cartridge in the primary seal of the relative movement Of the moving ring and the static ring, will produce an open flow channel at some time, so that high-speed flow of impeller eye purge isobutane leakage into the seal oil system, resulting in oil seal oil system changes, rising pressure caused alarm Lock parking, while the continuous switching of product grades, it is easy to produce aggregate in the open hole or isobutane blockage machine seal.
"After finding out the reasons, we discussed with Lawrence Pump manufacturers and finally decided to make a series of modifications to the machine seal," explained Liang Ge. They added isobutane flushing holes, increased the amount of seal flushing, the transformation of on-site sealing oil system piping, but also to develop special operating methods, from the top of the seal tank vent valve at the safety valve emissions will leak into the sealed tank vaporization Isobutane released from the system. After such a transformation, Lawrence pump finally has seen the improvement of the operating conditions.
"Lawrence pump has been able to run a long cycle, fine operations contributed," Liang Ge said the secret. Regardless of the production of any grade of product, regardless of the level of production load, law enforcement officers have put Lawrence pump power control within the safe range, which is to ensure that Lawrence pump steady and long-term operation of the key. Law enforcement officers are always concerned about the quality of the pump seal oil, regular, quantitative primary seal oil system for online oil change and process analysis, in order to eliminate the weak links, full density shop start from the interlock, each interlock point optimization, One by one to eliminate false alarms, useless interlock to avoid false positives lead to unplanned parking; the same time, develop detailed mechanical and electrical instrumentation inspection rules to strengthen the special care work to ensure the smooth operation of Lawrence pump.
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