Summer corn is affected by ecological factors in the planting process, as well as human factors. Like temperature, solar radiation and moisture are all climatic factors. In order to be able to increase its output, it is very important to adopt a reasonable cultivation and management method. Row spacing has already carried out some researches on the yield, but there has been no report on the effect of microclimate on maize yield under different row spacing conditions of the same variety. The monitoring of the microclimate can be carried out using a hand-held meteorological station. The instrument can accurately monitor the climate change and provide the basis for the relevant measures.
The grain filling stage after corn silking, that is, two years from August 17 to September 10, was observed for 50 days, and the first ear position was highest at 8:00, 14:00, and 20:00 in each day. Perform fixed observations of the microclimate in the field. Four processes are performed at the same time. The temperature, humidity, and wind speed were measured using a hand-held meteorological station NK4000; the amount of effective light was measured using a photo quantum meter (3415F).
Corn is a high-light-efficient C4 plant. More than 90% of the dry matter in corn comes from photosynthesis, and whether corn can maximize its potential for high-yield production is closely related to population structure allocation and population light energy utilization. Studies have shown that row spacing arrangement has a certain influence on the growth and yield of corn. Different arrangement of row spacing influences the structure of the population, resulting in the change of the microclimate in the field, which affects the yield and product traits of maize. By changing the arrangement of row spacing, the conflict between field microclimatic factors is coordinated to achieve the most suitable ecological environment for the group.
The hand-held meteorological station can observe the influence of different row spacing on the microclimate and yield in the field under the direction of planting rows and rows of planting densities of 67,500 plants/hm2. It can be seen that the planting direction is the east-west direction and planting density. At 67,500 plants/hm2, the row spacing is 50 centimeters. The light, temperature, water, and gas in the group are fully utilized. At the same time, the relationship between individuals and groups is better coordinated so that the group's high yield potential is better. The play. This study only focused on the east-west direction of planting, and the planting density was 67,500 plants/hm2. The best row spacing was 50 cm. The effect of planting direction and planting density on corn yield and microclimate in the field in the future Will do further research.
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