1 Thematic content and scope This standard specifies the fire damper performance test items, test equipment, test procedures, test conditions and test conditions. This standard applies to industrial and civil buildings ventilation, air-conditioning system installed in the fire damper test. 2 pilot project This standard includes the following five tests: a. Temperature sensor test; b. Turn off reliability test; c. Salt spray test; d. Air leakage at ambient temperature test; e. Fire test. 3 reference standard GB / T 2624 flow measurement throttling device orifice, nozzle and venturi tube full of fluid flow measurement GB9978 fire test method for building components 4 terminology 5 test equipment, steps and determine the conditions 5.1 temperature sensor test 5.1. 1 test device The test device consists of a water bath with a heater and stirrer and the necessary control and measuring instruments. The instrument measuring water temperature accuracy should not be less than ± 0.5 ℃. 5.1.2 Test Procedure No action test Heater water bath heated at the same time start stirring, when the water temperature reaches 65 ± 0.5 ℃ constant temperature. The temperature sensor temperature sensor completely immersed in water 5min. Action test Remove the temperature sensor, naturally cooled to room temperature, with a heater to continue heating the water to 73 ± 0.5 ℃, to maintain a constant temperature. The temperature sensor temperature sensor completely immersed in water. 5.1.3 Determination of conditions In 65 ± 0.5 ℃ constant temperature water, the temperature sensor 5min does not act in the temperature of 73 ± 0.5 ℃ thermostatic water sensor lmin action is qualified. 5.2 Turn off the reliability test 5.2.1 Test procedure Fix the test piece on the test bench, open the valve, and then start the operating mechanism to close the test piece. So repeated a total of 250 times. For specimens with several different start-up modes, 250 operations should be evenly distributed. For the specimen with adjusting function, the test should be done at the maximum and the minimum opening position respectively, and the number of operation should be evenly distributed. 5.2.2 Determination of conditions In 250 closing operations, the specimen should be able to open from the flexible and reliable closure of the position, the parts should be no significant deformation, wear and tear and other damage affecting the sealing performance. 5.2 Salt Spray Test 5.3.1 Test equipment usually salt spray chamber or salt spray chamber. The materials in the salt spray chamber (chamber) should not affect the corrosion performance of the salt spray; the salt spray must not be sprayed directly on the test piece; the condensed brine solution at the top of the tank (chamber) should not drip onto the test piece; Saline fluid can not be reused. Salt spray chamber (room) should have air-conditioning equipment, can control the box (room) air temperature in the 35 ± 2 ℃ range, the relative humidity of 95%. Saline solution consists of pure chemical sodium chloride and distilled water, the weight concentration of (5 ± 0.1%), pH control between 6.5-7.2. Control of the amount of fog in the l a 2mL / (h.80cm2) range, the pressure is 0.08-0.14MPa nozzle produced fog particle diameter of l-5μm accounted for more than 85%. 5.3.2 Accuracy of measuring instruments The measuring instrument should reach the following accuracy: Temperature: Soil 0.5 ℃ Humidity: Soil 2% Acidity: ± 0.1pH 5.3.3 Test Procedure Before the start of the test, apply detergent to remove all Wash the oil. Place the specimen in a salt spray chamber (chamber) with the specimen opening upwards) and set the axis of each specimen of the specimen to 150 to 300 degrees to the horizontal. Test, the specimen was turned on to 24h for a cycle, the first continuous spray 8h, then stop 16h, a total of five cycles tested. Spray, box (room) to maintain the temperature of 35 ± 2 ℃, relative humidity greater than 95%; stop spraying, not heated, close the salt spray chamber (room), the natural cooling. 5.3.4 determine the conditions After the end of the test, remove the specimen, at room temperature for not less than 24h dry time. Closure test of the test piece, if still can be reliably closed from the open position is qualified. 5.4 air leakage at ambient temperature test 5.4.1 Test device Test device includes gas flow measurement system and pressure measurement and control system of two parts. Gas Flow Measurement System Gas flow measurement system consists of connecting pipe, gas flow meter and induced draft fan system. Connecting pipe: The test piece is connected with the gas flow meter through the connecting pipe. The connecting pipe is made of steel plate not less than 1.6mm thick. The width and height of the pipe opening shall correspond to the dimensions of the test piece. The length of the pipe shall be diagonal Twice the line, the longest 2m. Gas flow meter: gas flow meter should adopt the standard orifice. Orifice plate processing and installation should be consistent with GB / T2624 standards. The front of the measuring tube should be fitted with a gas flow regulator. Fan system: including induced draft fan, intake valve, regulating valve, and connecting the gas flow meter and induced draft fan flexible pipe. Pressure measurement and control system The pressure before and after the test piece is measured by the pressure sensor, and the pressure outlet should be on the center line of the side of the pipe. Before and after the specimen pressure difference through the intake valve and control valve adjustment control. 5.4.2 Accuracy of measuring instruments Measuring instruments should reach the following accuracy: temperature: earth 2.5 ℃; pressure: ± 5Pa; flow: ± 2.5%. 5.4.3 Test Procedure The specimen is installed in place and closed, the inlet of which is sealed with non-leaking material. Start the induced draft fan, adjust the intake valve and the control valve so that the pressure difference between the gas before and after the test piece is 300Pa. After stable 60s, measure and record the differential pressure on both sides of the orifice plate, the gas pressure in front of the orifice plate and the gas temperature . In accordance with the provisions of GB / T2624 standard to calculate the state of the gas flow, the flow of air leakage for the system. At the same time, measure and record the atmospheric pressure at the test time. Remove the seal at the entrance of the specimen, the specimen is still closed. Adjust the inlet valve and the control valve so that the pressure difference between the gas before and after the test piece is maintained at 300Pa. After 60s of stabilization, measure and record the differential pressure on both sides of the orifice, the gas pressure in front of the orifice and the gas temperature in the pipe after the orifice. According to GB / T2624 standard calculation formula to calculate the gas flow in this state, the flow rate of the whole specimen leaks. At the same time, measure and record the atmospheric pressure at the test time. The sample air leakage at ambient temperature is calculated as follows: Where: Q-- air leakage when the specimen at ambient temperature (standard state), Nm3 / h Q 2-ambient temperature when the whole sample leakage Amount (standard state), Nm3 / h Q2 - The amount of air leakage of the whole test piece according to, m3 / h; P2 - The amount of air leakage before the orifice plate of the test piece according to Pressure; Pa; T2-- gas temperature in the pipe when the whole air leakage rate of the test piece according to is measured, ° C; B2-- atmospheric pressure at the time of air leakage of the whole test piece according to Pa, Q Standard l - ambient air leakage when the system (standard state), Nm3 / h; Ql - measured by the system air leakage, m3 / h Pl - according to 5.4.3.I measured the system leakage When the amount of gas pressure orifice before, Pa; T1 - according to measure the amount of air leakage in the system when measuring the gas temperature inside the pipe; ° C; . 5.4.4 Determination conditions Sample air leakage per unit area (standard state) at ambient temperature should not be large 700Nm3 / (h · m3). 5.5 Fire Test 5.5.1 Test Device Fire test device by the fire test furnace, gas flow measurement system, temperature measurement system and pressure measurement and control system composed of four parts. Between the test furnace and the test piece, there is a connecting pipe made of steel plate with the thickness of not less than 1.6mm. The opening size of the connecting pipe corresponds to the size of the test piece. The outer surface of the pipe is insulated with refractory and heat insulating material. Fire test furnace Fire test furnace can meet the requirements of 2.1 of GB9978 and the heating conditions specified in 3.1. After the start of the test 10min, the pressure in the furnace should be 15 ± 5Pa on the horizontal center line of the test specimen. Gas flow measurement system The gas flow measurement system is the same as Temperature measurement system The test specimen shall be measured by the surface temperature (hereinafter referred to as furnace temperature) using a 0.75-1.5mm diameter thermocouple. The hot end of the specimen shall extend beyond 25mm of the ceramic tube. The number of thermocouples shall not be less than five, one of which is set at the center of the test piece and the rest at the center of each quarter of the test piece. The nearest distance between the measuring point and the test piece is 100 mm. The temperature of the gas in the pipe is measured with a pin thermocouple with a diameter of 0.3 mm. The measuring point is located on the centerline of the measuring tube behind the orifice and twice as large as the measuring tube. Pressure measurement and control system Pressure measurement and control system is the same as 5.5.2 Accuracy of measuring instruments The measuring instrument should reach the following accuracy: temperature: 15 ℃ for the temperature of the soil; 5 ℃ for other soil; pressure; soil 5Pa; flow rate: 2.5% for soil; time: soil l0s. 5.5.3 Specimen installation and fire conditions Installation The installation of the specimen should reflect its actual use. For the specimen under test, the seat is mounted on the outside of the test furnace and connected to the test furnace by a pre-test connecting pipe through a vertical dividing member. Test partition member should be consistent with the actual use, when it can not be determined, the density can be used not less than 450kg / m3 of concrete or brick structure. The thickness of the partition member is not less than 100 mm. When making the partition member, conventional curing and drying should be carried out. fire conditions Fire tests shall be carried out from both sides of the specimen. If the test piece structure is symmetrical, one side can be tested; if it can be determined in advance its weakness of fire, but also only the weak side of the fire test. 5.5.4 Test Procedure The test piece is installed and in an open position, and the draft fan system is adjusted so that the air flow passes the test piece at a speed of 0.15 m / s to stabilize the air flow. test furnace ignition, when the specimen by the center of the fire surface temperature reaches 50 ℃ when the test start time, control the specimen by the fire surface temperature rise to GB9978 3.1 heating conditions. Record the closing time of the specimen, and adjust the draft fan system after the specimen is closed so that the gas pressure difference before and after the specimen is maintained within the range of 300 ± 15 Pa. After the start of the test 10min, the control furnace pressure in the 15 soil 5Pa range. Measure and record the differential pressure value on both sides of the orifice, the gas pressure in front of the orifice and the gas temperature in the measuring pipe after orifice, the time interval is not more than 2min. According to GB / T2624 standard formula to calculate the orifice of the gas flow at all times. Measure and record the atmospheric pressure during the test. The formula for calculating the amount of air leakage of a test specimen during a fire test: Where: Q-- air leakage rate of the test specimen at the time of fire test (standard state), Nm3 / h; Q3 - whole machine of the test specimen during the fire test Air leakage rate (standard state), Nm3 / h; Q3-- measured according to of the fire test at all times of the specimen air leakage of the machine, m3 / h; P3-- Gas pressure in front of the plate, Pa; T3 - Gas temperature measured in the pipe after the orifice at each time measured according to ℃; B3 - Atmospheric pressure during the fire test, Pa; .3.3 Formula (3) Calculated system air leakage (standard state), Nm3 / h. 5.5.5 Determining conditions When any of the following conditions appear in the test, the specimen has lost its fire resistance: a. Test specimens within 1min after the start of the test can not be automatically closed; b. The amount of air leakage per unit area of ​​the test piece (standard state) is more than 1000Nm3 / (h · m2). 6 Test Report Test report should include the following: a. Test commissioned by the name of the unit; b. Manufacturer name and product model, size; c. Sample delivery form; d. Standard number; e. Test date; f. Test piece structure diagram, the use of materials, technical data, installation and other relevant instructions; g. Test data; h. Observation records; i. Test conclusion; j. The host of the test and the person in charge of the test unit shall sign and seal the test unit. Fire damper: installed in the ventilation, air-conditioning system to send and return air lines, usually open state, when the fire when the pipe gas temperature reaches 70 ℃ off, within a certain time to meet the fire resistance stability and fire integrity requirements, Smoke from the fire from the role of the valve. More Keyword Search: Fire damper
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