7 Road Safety & Driving Tips in Whitby
As in many other communities across Ontario, Whitby has seen some high profile auto accidents. Although these tragic events happen everywhere, neighbouring Ajax has one of the worst accident rates in the country.
 Be Aware of the Space Between Cars
Rear-ending is the most common form of accident in Canada and throughout the years of providing auto repair in Whitby, we have seen evidence of that. Sometimes it’s just a ding, but it can be much more serious. Often safety is about minding the little things – like keeping your distance from the drivers ahead of you.
Avoid Construction Areas
If this is possible of course. We know that there’s lots of construction to avoid. Construction road changes can confuse some drivers. Aggressive or over-eager drivers may be unpredictable in the face of new circumstances, especially with uneven roads. Exercise extra caution if you can’t avoid these areas.
Know Your Car
Every car is different. Pay attention to how your car reacts when you drive, especially how much pressure it takes to brake quickly or how responsive (or unresponsive it is). Knowing your car’s limits can help you avoid dangerous situations.
Keep Your Vehicle in Good Shape
Any provider of auto repair in Whitby or elsewhere will tell you that regular car maintenance is a safety issue. This will ensure your car keeps performing in the way you expect. Putting off oil changes, brake checks, and engine maintenance can seriously affect your car’s performance. If your car is at risk of breaking down, or just isn’t working properly, you have an increased risk of getting into an accident.
Stay Alert
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents – talking on the phone, texting, eating, or changing a CD are all examples of distracted driving. According to Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, one person is injured in a distracting driving collision every half hour. Keeping your full attention on the road is a simple way to minimize the risk of an accident.
Familiarize Yourself with New Cars
Hopefully, you’ve been through in researching and test driving your new car. But if it’s a used car you can go one step further. Visit Master Mechanic in Whitby and ask them to check your “new†used vehicle. Your auto repair expert can help you identify any reliability issues.
Drive Sober
This is an important one we just have to mention. Driving while intoxicated on any substance is one of the most preventable causes of fatal road accidents. An impaired driver will make more impulsive decisions and those decisions can have dire consequences on the road. Visit MADD Canada to learn more.
At Master Mechanic, we provide auto repairs in Whitby because we love cars and our community. We hope these tips will help you and your vehicle stay safe on the road.
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